Hattie Jackson is an ordinary fiteen-year-old until her mother disappears and Hattie's life is turned upside down. With the help of her friend, Mad Dog, Hattie discovers the truth about her mother's 'other life' and the role she must now take on to defeat a terrifying army of evil ninjutsu warriors, led by Praying Mantis - the deadliest assassin ever known...
Paperback, Second, 240 pages
Published July 12th 2012 by Silver Fox
edition language
Hattie Jackson has a Chinese mother, and a British father. Her mother, Chikoyo plays games with her. She makes her climb up and down the ladder really fast, balance herself on ropes and what not. Now, Hattie has begun to grow up and realises that the games were pretty weird. One fine day, her mother goes missing and it is then that she begins to make out what those games really meant. Out of the blue, she gets to know that she is a young ninja girl, Hattori Hachi. Rest begins her training and her struggle to free her mum from the hands of The Praying Mantis.
As the novel unfolds, the reader gets deeper insights at what ninjutsu really means which I doubt most of the people like me do. All I have known about China till date was Chinese food, the dragons and Karate. This book gives all the information that a reader needs to know to get the story. Yazuki, taking up the responsibility of training Hattie ( or Hachi.) within such a short notice. She has already been trained very well by her mother all these years and she does a very good job at sharpening her skills. Mad Dog, and Neena, stand by the test of true friendship and support her with all they can. Of course there's a small little story going on in the background during the climax and towards the end of the first book, but none of it is really all over the place which is my basic requirement of an adventure novel. Frankly, I've found that in very few books, and this one is definitely one of them. Sets my expectations way too high for the second book.
4 outta 5 stars should be good to go!
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